Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for Angioplasty in Mohali, Best Heart Specialist in Punjab, Cost of Angioplasty in Punjab, Best Cardiologist in Punjab, Best Cardiologist at Livasa Hospital, Mohali near Chandigarh

Heart Diseases

Heart is the most important organ in the human body. A person is considered alive till the heart is working. Human body requires sugar and oxygen to stay alive. The sugar extracted from the food that we eat is transported to all the cells of the body through the blood. The blood containing sugar and oxygen is pumped by the heart. The heart is like a pump which beats 70-80 times per minute in order to pump the entire blood in our body.

The blood is carried to all the cells of the body through a network of blood vessels called arteries and veins. The blood supplies oxygen and sugar to each cell of the body and brings the waste material from these cells to the kidneys to be excreted from the body. After completing this cycle the blood enters the heart again through 3 major arteries. Due to high levels of fat in the blood, there is deposition of fats in these arteries. This deposition also knows as plaque obstructs the supply of blood to the heart and results in heart attack. This is the most common type of heart disease and is called Coronary Artery Disease.

Other diseases of the heart include malfunctioning of the valves called Valvular Disease. In some patients the heart beat becomes irregular and can result in sudden stoppage of the heart or insufficient supply of blood from the heart. This disease is called arrhythmias.

If you suffer from Coronary Artery disease then the treatment can be done through medications or through an invasive procedure called Angioplasty. If there is a problem in the functioning of the valves then a surgery called Valve Repair or Valve Replacement can be done. If you suffer from Arrhythmia or heart failure then pacemaker can be installed in the heart.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for Angioplasty in Mohali, Best Heart Specialist in Punjab, Cost of Angioplasty in Punjab, Best Cardiologist in Punjab, Best Cardiologist at Livasa Hospital, Mohali near Chandigarh

Heart Checkup

Heart disease is genetic in nature. If either of your parents had heart disease before the age of 60 years then you must be extremely careful about the condition of your heart. If you suffer from either of these - high lipids, diabetes, hypertension or obesity then also you are at a higher risk for heart disease. If you smoke, consume alcohol, eat fried or junk food, do not exercise regularly then also you are a candidate for heart disease.

Those who are at a higher risk for heart disease should get their heart health checked regularly by a cardiologist after the age of 30 years. The cardiologist will do a thorough clinical examination and perform basic heart tests like Treadmill Test (TMT) and Echocardiography. Some blood tests like Lipid Profile, Blood Sugar, Kidney Function Test also need to be done routinely. Some patients might require more advanced blood tests like Cardiac Markers. All these tests are non-invasive tests and can be done in the clinic itself.

Treadmill Test (TMT) - TMT Test gives lots of valuable information about the health of your heart. In this test, electrodes are are attached to your chest and you are made to lie on a couch. ECG readings of your heart are captured in resting phase. You are then asked to walk on a treadmill for 6-9 minutes. Every 3 minutes, the intensity of exercise is increased. With exercise your heart rate gets increased and so does your blood pressure. The goal is to check the functioning of your heart at maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. If the ECG readings of your heart at maximum heart rate is normal then the result of your TMT test is negative. However if the result of TMT test is positive then further tests need to be done to check your heart health.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for Angioplasty in Mohali, Best Heart Specialist in Punjab, Cost of Angioplasty in Punjab, Best Cardiologist in Punjab, Best Cardiologist at Livasa Hospital, Mohali near Chandigarh

Cost of Checkup and Treatment

If you come to Dr Sandeep's Arogya Heart Centre in Sunny Enclave Mohali for a consultation with Dr Sandeep then the cost would be Rs. 600. The cost of a Treadmill Test (TMT) is Rs. 2400 while the cost of 2D Echocardiography is Rs. 2000. The cost of different types of blood tests would be in the range of Rs. 1000 - 3000 depending upon the tests required.

If the non-invasive tests like TMT and Echocardiography are positive then the patient might have to undergo invasive tests like Coronary Angiography or EP Studies. The cost of Coronary Angiography would be in the range of Rs. 11500 - 15000. The cost of EP Studies would be in the range of Rs. 25000 - 45000.

If coronary angiography reveals blockages in the arteries then a procedure called stenting is done. The cost of stenting in each artery is in the range of Rs. 1.25 - 1.5 lacs. If there are multiple blockages in one artery then this cost can go up.

If your doctor decides to treat the patient with medicines after doing coronary angiography then the cost of treatment would be much lower. However you would have to make significant lifestyle changes to improve the health of your heart. You would also need to get a regular checkup of your heart with Dr Sangeep at Arogya Heart Centre, Sunny Enclave Mohali. Tests like TMT and Echocardiography are very good in evaluating the health of your heart in addition to some blood tests.

You can book appointment with Dr. Sandeep Parekh at Arogya Heart Centre in Kharar or Livasa Hospital Mohali near Chandigarh in Punjab by calling on the number +91-8800188335.or by filling this form.

For Saving Precious Lives

Heart Attack can strike anybody anytime. During such an emergency it is extremely important for the family members to be in touch with a heart specialist, who can guide you properly and ensure that the patient reaches a heart hospital in time. The team at the hospital should be fully ready to save the life of the patient.

Dr. Sandeep Parekh
MBBS, MD, DrNB (Cardiology)
Senior Cardiologist
Livasa Hospital, Mohali Near Chandigarh





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Stenting to LAD and LCx

This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Livasa International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.

Stenting to LAD and LCx

This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Livasa International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.

Stenting to LAD and LCx

This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Livasa International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.

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