Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab

ICD Implant

ICD or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator is also a kind of pacemaker. ICD is also used to treat irregular heart rate or people who have suffered a cardiac arrest. Though there is one difference between ICD and Pacemaker, whereas a heart pacemaker is used to treat patients with low heart rate ICD is used for patients with both high and low heart rate. ICD serves the dual purpose by improving the low heart rate and controling high heart rate. ICD is about the size of a stopwatch and is implanted under the skin just below the collarbone. It consists of a pulse generator and wires called leads.

The ICD responds to irregular life-threatening heart rhythms from the lower chambers of the heart with pacing that corrects a fast rhythm and promotes a normal heartbeat or a shock (defibrillation) that resets the heart rhythm to prevent sudden cardiac arrest. An ICD also records and stores information about your heart rhythm and therapies delivered by the ICD for your doctor to review.

ICD is a combo device unlike pacemaker that only works one way by increasing the low heart rate. ICD does following function in case of irregular heart rate:

Pacing – a series of low-voltage electrical impulses (paced beats) at a fast rate to try and correct the heart rhythm.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab Cardioversion –one or more small electric shocks to try and restore the heart to a normal rhythm.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab Defibrillation – one or more larger electric shocks to try and restore the heart to a normal rhythm.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab

Who Needs ICD?

The heart has its own electrical system that regulates the heartbeat. With every heartbeat an electrical signal is sent through your heart that causes contraction and pumping of blood. If this doesn’t happen properly then it may lead to an abnormal heart rhythm (or arrhythmia). In such a secnario our cardiologist Dr Sandeep Parekh at Arogya Heart Centre, Kharar and Livasa Hospital Mohali in Punjab may recomend implantation of an ICD.

Dr Sandeep Parekh may advise implantation of an ICD device in following cases:

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab Person had a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm and are at risk of having it again.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab Tests show that person is at risk of having an abnormal heart rhythm due to genetic reasons in future.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab Person is in a heart failure and is at risk of developing a life-threatening heart rhythm.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab A history of coronary artery disease and a heart attack that has weakened the heart.

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab An enlarged heart muscle

Dr Sandeep Parekh, Best Cardiologist for ICD Implant, ICD Heart Implant Surgery in Punjab, ICD Implant Surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali Near Chandigarh, Cost of ICD Procedure in Punjab A genetic heart condition that increases the risk of dangerously fast heart rhythms such as some types of long QT syndrome.

An ICD is generally advised by Dr Sandeep Parekh at Livasa Hospital, Mohali in Punjab for people who are at high risk of cardiac arrest due to a ventricular arrhythmia. This includes people with heart failure who have problems with the contraction of the heart such as abnormal Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction (LVEF is mentioned in your 2D echocardiography report).

Cost of ICD Implant in Punjab

Cost of ICD Implant surgery is more expensive than a simple heart pacemaker surgery. The reason in the difference between the two surgeries is due to the cost of ICD Implant. Also you would appreciate that the type of ICD implant used varies from patient to patient. A person who is already in heart failure would need a different ICD implant than a person who is just having issues with abnormal heart rhythm. Dr Sandeep Parekh performs the ICD Implant surgery regularly at Livasa Hospital Mohali in Punjab. The procedure is performed by the team of interventional cardiologist and surgeons which is ably lead by Dr Sandeep Parekh at Livasa Hospital, near Chandigarh in Punjab. The cost of ICD Implant surgery at Livasa Hospital Mohali in Punjab under Dr Sandeep Parekh would cost approximately INR 8 Lacs to 14 Lacs depending upon the type of ICD implant used.

You would need to regularly consult cardiologist or heart specialist after your procedure which you can do either at the Arogya Heart Centre in Kharar or at Livasa Hospital, Mohali in Punjab by filling the form . The consultation can be done by visiting the hospital or on phone by sending your reports through whatsapp on the number +91-8264661924 / +91-8800188335.

For Saving Precious Lives

Heart Attack can strike anybody anytime. During such an emergency it is extremely important for the family members to be in touch with a heart specialist, who can guide you properly and ensure that the patient reaches a heart hospital in time. The team at the hospital should be fully ready to save the life of the patient.

Dr. Sandeep Parekh
MBBS, MD, DrNB (Cardiology)
Senior Cardiologist
Livasa Hospital, Mohali Near Chandigarh





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Stenting to LAD and LCx

This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.

Stenting to LAD and LCx

This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.

Stenting to LAD and LCx

This patient retired from Indian Railway. The patient presented with blockage in arteries and underwent Stenting to LAD and LCx At Indus International Hospital. The Angioplasty was done by Dr Sandeep Parekh, Interventional Cardiologist. Watch the patient testimonial.

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